Initiator & Facilitator
Initiator and facilitator
of the JAPAN-ASEAN BRIDGES event series
The International Peace Foundation
Registered seat of organization: Vienna
Organizational form: Officially recognized not-for-profit, non-governmental organization
Orientation: Non-political and non-religious
Patronage: The Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Dr. Oscar Arias, Jimmy Carter, Mairead Corrigan-Maguire, The XIV. Dalai Lama, Mohamed ElBaradei, Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Rigoberta Menchu Tum, Dr. Jose Ramos-Horta, Betty Williams, Jody Williams, International Peace Bureau Geneva
Past/deceased patrons: The Nobel Peace Prize Laureates Dr. Norman Borlaug, Kim Dae-Jung, Michael Gorbachev, John Hume, Frederik De Klerk, Dr. Bernard Lown, Nelson Mandela, Prof. Linus Pauling, Shimon Peres, Prof. Sir Joseph Rotblat, David Trimble, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Prof. Elie Wiesel
International Board of Advisors: Chairman HSH Prince Alfred of Liechtenstein, Nobel Laureate Prof. Peter Agre, Joan Armatrading, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Nobel Laureate Prof. Francoise Barre-Sinoussi, Franz Beckenbauer, Nobel Laureate Prof. Bruce A. Beutler, Dr. Hans Blix, Jackie Chan, Nobel Laureate Prof. Aaron Ciechanover, Nobel Laureate Prof. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Nobel Laureate Prof. Paul C. Crutzen, Nobel Laureate Prof. Peter C. Doherty, Gareth Evans, Nobel Laureate Prof. Jerome I. Friedman, Peter Gabriel, Nobel Laureate Prof. Sheldon L. Glashow, Nobel Laureate Prof. David J. Gross, Nobel Laureate Prof. Harald zur Hausen, Dr. Ivan Havel, Prof. Marcia Haydee, Nobel Laureate Prof. James J. Heckman, Nobel Laureate Prof. Robert Huber, the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr., Nobel Laureate Prof. Finn E. Kydland, Gernot Langes-Swarovski, Vanessa-Mae, Nobel Laureate Prof. Eric S. Maskin, Nobel Laureate Prof. Mario J. Molina, Nobel Laureate Prof. Douglas D. Osheroff, President Prof. Romano Prodi, Eros Ramazzotti, Edzard Reuter, Nobel Laureate Dr. Richard J. Roberts, Nobel Laureate Prof. Brian P. Schmidt, Dr. Karan Singh, David Steindl-Rast, Oliver Stone, Wim Wenders, Nobel Laureate Prof. Torsten N. Wiesel and Nobel Laureate Prof. Kurt Wuethrich, among others.
Purpose and goals: The foundation has been established exclusively for not-for-profit purposes, in particular to support peace universities as well as scientific projects and institutions dealing with research into conflict prevention and strategies for the solution of conflicts as well as with promoting peace activities, understanding and social exchange between peoples, their cultures and traditions. The foundation supports, in particular, not-for-profit scientific institutions of international, intercultural and multidisciplinary character which contribute to the development of new comprehensive approaches of thinking and acting. The purpose of the foundation is therefore:
- to support existing national and international institutions as outlined above by providing funds and contacts for their work,
- to act as a facilitator and as such establish new networks between existing private and public institutions, associations and enterprises in an effort to streamline forces and resources peacefully and purposefully, to enable synergies and to develop new forms of co-operation,
- to follow up the incentives of the Vienna Peace Summit 1999, in particular through:
- advanced courses and research at schools and universities,
- incentives for enterprises, development of innovative forms of work for a changing market,
- promotion of international relations as a contribution to understanding and peaceful exchange of peoples, their cultures and traditions,
- promotion of civil societies, social responsibility, ethic conduct and codetermination of social processes,
- integration of the media and development of programs for media ethics,
- documentation in all current and future forms of media (especially print, internet, etc.),
- development of concrete action plans and proposals to be submitted to governments, the European Commission and the United Nations,
- implementation of further peace dialogues in other countries
Websites and further information:,,